Strategies for coping with social and emotional exhaustion
Social situations can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Here are some ideas to help you cope with the stress associated with social events:
- Spend time recovering in solitude
- Create a record of your “energy bank account”:
- Create a list of situations/environments/circumstances that “withdraw” your energy, such as socialising, change, making mistakes, sensory sensitivities, daily tasks/chores, coping with anxiety, poor sleep habits, overanalysing social situations and perceived criticism.
- Create a list of situations that provide you with an energy “deposit”, such as solitude, interests, physical activities, adequate sleep and nutrition, being in nature, being with animals, gaming, meditation.
- Assign a numerical value from 1-100 for how much each activity or experience is energy draining or refreshing.
- Add all the numerical values in each of the two columns to see if the energy bank balance at the end of the day is in debit or credit.
- If necessary, schedule more energy infusing activities into the next day.
Daily energy account form
Withdrawals |
Deposits |
Activity/Experience |
0-100 |
Activity/Experience |
0-100 |
Download the form here (opens in new window)
- Be aware that some activities are both energy withdrawals and deposits
- Try to recognise when would be a good time to stop “spending” energy
- Continue to think about ways to increase energy “income”
- Mindfulness practice. Helpful apps include Smiling Mind & Headspace
- You may benefit from therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), compassion focused therapy (CFT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Find out from your therapist if they have experience in working with neurodiversity.