Telephone: 01227 656953  Email: info@autismkent.co.uk follow us on facebook follow

Dr Nicky Wood

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Dr Nicky Wood is a consultant clinical psychologist. She lives and works in East Kent and has worked for the NHS since qualification as a clinical psychologist over 25 years ago. She also works independently. She has worked locally since 2008 and previously worked in London at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust and The Evelina Children’s Hospital. Her career has been spent working with neurodiverse children and young people, as well as teaching and training professionals who work with them. She is dedicated to improving the function, well-being and quality of life of neurodiverse individuals and their families.

She is trained and experienced in autism assessment and diagnosis across the age range. She provides specialist supervision for others undertaking such assessments. As well as being a clinician, Nicky holds an honorary lectureship at the University of Kent and continues to teach on undergraduate and postgraduate courses there and at Christchurch University.

For further information please contact us on: Telephone: 01227 656953  Email: info@autismkent.co.uk.



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Robb Psychology Kent Ltd t/a Autism Kent Company Number: 12336230
Address: Unit 128C First Floor, John Wilson Business Park, Harvey Drive, Chestfield, Whitstable, CT5 3QT